Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Triathlon Pink- my first triathlon

I participated in a triathlon for the first time in my life! I had lots of fun. Triathlon Pink was a women's only triathlon that raised money for breast cancer. It was held at Sydney's Olympic park. I liked the emphasis on being fun and participating. I did the longest event which was 300m swim, 9km bike ride, 3km run. There were about 1000 people that participated on the day over 4 events. They were great to give you a bit of coaching beforehand. It took a bit to get myself organised- I had to have my swim gear, biking gear and running gear.

The swim- I expected this to be my worst event but I ended up being ranked lower for the bike ride. I swam breast stroke for pretty much all the way- I wish I could've swam freestyle but I haven't been able to do that since I was an 11 year old kid. That's something to work on. It was fun getting to swim in that Olympic pool- I've never had the chance to do it before! I ran 250m to my bike and very quickly put on my clothes.

The bike ride- I had my bike seat really low- I had forgotton to adjust it after a mountain bike ride the week before. Something to remember for next time! I liked the bike ride, and didn't really go out too hard at all. I was so cruisy about it my ranking for this leg was the worst! I parked my bike and changed hats for the run.

The run- I felt hot and sticky in my swimmers- not a pleasant feeling! I ran all the way, but didn't really push myself too much. This ended up being my best event, even though I felt like I didn't do it very well.

Bring on the next triathlon!

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