Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Q&A- participating in democracy

I was in the studio audience of Q&A, a show on the ABC where you can question politicians and other public sector figures. I wasn't brave enough to ask the a question this time! The show is designed to demonstrate democracy in action. It's easy to be part of the studio audience. All you have to do is sign up on . This is who I saw on the night:

  • Waleed Aly, author, lawyer, academic and star of Salam Café on SBS
  • Tony Abbott,Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services, Indigenous Affairs & the Voluntary Sector
  • Maxine McKew, former broadcaster and nowParliamentary Secretary for Early Childhood Education and Child Care
  • Margaret Fitzherbert,former adviser to the Howard Government, and author of a book on Liberal women
  • Robert Manne, academic, author and former editor of Quadrant magazine.

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