I'd like to record the fun things to do around Sydney in this blog including restaurant reviews and outdoor activities.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lao airlines new website
Don't get Lao airlines mixed up with Lao Air as I nearly did. I tried to add Lao Air to Wikipedia last year, but couldn't work out how. Hopefully someone has put it on there already. Lao Air flies to the more remote provincial capitals only, ie Sam Neua, Phongsali and Sainyabouli. Their their only booking office is at the domestic airport and this airlines is not very well known. I did fly with them and are a bit unreliable because they rely on sight to fly and when it gets foggy, which it often does in the mountains, they can't fly. I showed up and the airport for the flight and it was closed and instead took at 24 hour bus trip home from Sam Neua to Vientiane.
October is good food month in Sydney. I always try to go out to one of the rated restaurants offering a lunch special in October and have never been disappointed. This year I chose to go to Aria by the Opera House and I really enjoyed the food, service and atmosphere there- a totally worthwhile experience.
We ate:
The fish was very moist and the cheese flavoured, green risotto too. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to one of the fancy hotels for the dessert specials this year, but there will always be next year!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friends visiting from Laos
They missed papapya salad so we went to a Thai restaurant, Saap Thai, that has north- eastern Thai dishes. They got a fix of sticky rice too. That's the thing I love about Sydney- the variety. My friends ordered in Thai language, and I agreed with them that we could have been in Thailand. The next night we managed to have kangaroo larp, Thai/ Lao spicy salad with a distinctly Australian touch. Crocodile Senior Thai on George St completely aced this. The chilli and snake beans went really well with the roo meat. I came up with this idea independently also, cooking kangaroo larp when I came home. My Lao friend said that when he read the email that I had cooked this roo larp he laughed out really loud! I reminded him there is one kangaroo in Laos in the zoo...
The next weekend I took my Lao friends to the beach. One of my friends had never seen the ocean or the beach in his 25 years. It was funny that his shoes got wet when the wave came in! Then we had a beer at Bondi Icebergs- what a beautiful spot! I had never been there before, but I liked it because of the unobstructed views, it's casual and you can watch people do ocean swims and surf.
It was great to see them and they promised they wouldn't forget me.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Triathlon Pink- my first triathlon
The swim- I expected this to be my worst event but I ended up being ranked lower for the bike ride. I swam breast stroke for pretty much all the way- I wish I could've swam freestyle but I haven't been able to do that since I was an 11 year old kid. That's something to work on. It was fun getting to swim in that Olympic pool- I've never had the chance to do it before! I ran 250m to my bike and very quickly put on my clothes.
The bike ride- I had my bike seat really low- I had forgotton to adjust it after a mountain bike ride the week before. Something to remember for next time! I liked the bike ride, and didn't really go out too hard at all. I was so cruisy about it my ranking for this leg was the worst! I parked my bike and changed hats for the run.
The run- I felt hot and sticky in my swimmers- not a pleasant feeling! I ran all the way, but didn't really push myself too much. This ended up being my best event, even though I felt like I didn't do it very well.
Bring on the next triathlon!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Lao words
Literal meaning translated to English- what the word means
Vicks tree- Gum tree
Clean plastic bag- condom
Chewing gum- foreigner's fruit
Understand- touch heart
Sour water- vinegar
Sour milk- yogurt
Flying boat- plane
Mother of water- river
The Kitchen play
The set looked great, the acting was pretty good but my friends agreed that the actors needed to work on their foreign accents. I do recommend watching plays at NIDA. They're around $25 and it's good to see the upcoming talent. I saw the play 'Closer' a few years back and it was the best play I have ever seen.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Q&A- participating in democracy
- Waleed Aly, author, lawyer, academic and star of Salam Café on SBS
- Tony Abbott,Shadow Minister for Families, Community Services, Indigenous Affairs & the Voluntary Sector
- Maxine McKew, former broadcaster and nowParliamentary Secretary for Early Childhood Education and Child Care
- Margaret Fitzherbert,former adviser to the Howard Government, and author of a book on Liberal women
- Robert Manne, academic, author and former editor of Quadrant magazine.
Sydney running festival half- marathon
I aimed to keep a constant pace to finish in 2hrs 15 minutes.
Start- 5km I crossed the start line about 3 minutes after the gun went off. I started running across the bridge. I could see a guy from Sydney Striders with a flag that said 2 hours that you can follow if you want, which I thought was a good idea. I wouldn't be able to keep up though. Pretty comfortable for the first 4km, enjoying the views.
5-10km- kept running and realised it would be a challenging pace to keep up the pace. I was generally 30 seconds within my split times for each kilometre. I could see the race leaders had turned around and were running back and it was good to see them and cheer them on.
10- 15km- I was okay until about km 15 when I touched the psychological barrier of running further than I had before in a race! I had thoughts of 'when will this end' and where I stopped running for a few of steps a couple of times, that is other than my drink breaks which I walked through. I started getting a bit behind on my split times around km 14-15 which got me down a bit.
15- 21km- I felt a bit of pain in the knees at km 15- 16 but I managed to ignore it after that. I wasted a bit of time having an energy gel and drinking a lot of water with it. At least I didn't fell so hungry after I ate it. I felt like ran the last 4 kilometres pretty hard but I don't think I actually went much faster. My heart rate sure went up. I was pretty happy when I got to the wharfs around the Rocks and happier when I saw the Opera house. Running on the planks of wood outside the Park Hyatt hurt my legs. I wasn't sure whether I would finish on my targeted time. I did eventually finish within the time I aimed for 2:14:12 which I was pleased with.
Then I got home and thankfully made it on time to my grandma's 91st birthday lunch at 11:30!