Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More money, more what?

I have had some significant changes in income levels, and thinking take a look into what's changed in my life. Travel, accommodation, social activities, goods and services - what has changed? When I graduated and started full time work, I got a whole lot more money. I lived in Laos for a year, and my purchasing power increased. When I came back home, having had some work experience by income went up again. I don't get paid huge dollars as I've now mostly worked in NGOs, but live very comfortably and don't really need more money to keep up my current lifestyle. I'd be quite happy to keep the lifestyle I have with the same incomae.

My overseas travel, I think, has remained quite similar to when I was a student. I still backpack when I go overseas, but now I have less time I pay for Intrepid tours to help me get from place to place. I still choose Asia as a destination because I love it and it's cheap. As long as I don't have a desire to go to Europe or the US, I'll be fine. I have been able to afford more weekends away and short trips within Australia, booking hotels at when I go for about $100 a room, this has probably been quite a significant improvement to my lifestyle come to think of it.

Accommodation-wise, I still pay the same rent as I first did when I moved out of home, marginally more. In Laos I paid little rent, and this allowed me to have a lot more disposable income. I think this is still a good money saving strategy. Life would be very different if I had to pay off a property, hence I'm not very keen to buy one. It wouldn't suit my current flexible lifestyle, and am not convinced it would make me happier.

As for social activities, I think an increase in income has made a bit of a difference. Mostly theatre, comedy, and eating out, probably drinking more. It probably doesn't make me hugely happier, but I think my life is more interesting. Maybe I can consider doing more free stuff - I think I'd be equally happy most of the time.

I do think I have nicer clothes as a result of more income, and probably better quality stuff. I think this makes my life better. Paying for evening colleges, and sport I would have always managed to budget for, but having more money makes this a bit more manageable, and I have played more sport as my income has gone up. Massages have been a major luxury with more money, an addiction I picked up in Laos. I probably have one every month or two, and this is sensitive to income levels. With more money I would have even more.

So coming down to it, it seems my increase in income has been spent on more weekends away, with a few more social activities and better quality clothes and other goods. I'm very happy with my lifestyle and income level right now, I think my life's still pretty simple, and I think with more money I'd have more problems. With more money I'd probably start to pay for services such as cleaning and laundry, and probably more weekends away still.

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