Sunday, September 5, 2010

The meeting of the grandmas

Two old ladies met for the first time yesterday over yum cha. My boyfriend's A's grandma who's 97 and my grandma who's turning 94 this month met each other for the first time.

Both speak different dialects from the Guangdong province in China, my grandma speaking in Cantonese and A's grandma speaking Sze Yup. Both spoke in their own dialect and understood the other's dialect. I think my grandma made an attempt at

It was very sweet, they spoke like old friends and touched each other while they talked. What do a pair of 90 year olds talk about when they meet for the first time? I heard them complimenting each other on hair, skin, and teeth. A's grandma who's back spine is curved over, touched my Grandma's back in admiration of how straight it was. They spoke a bit about the past and how they got to Australia, and a bit about family.

At the end we took a couple of photos. My grandma poses as usual, tells us to laugh, and and tells A's grandma how photogenic she is.

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